Apostille Diploma Order Form

    Complete and submit this form to the Registrar's Office. Please note that this form is for an Apostille Diploma Order only. Students who need an Basic Diploma or a Fully Legalized Diploma should fill out the appropriate form. 
    Alumni Information
    New Diploma Information
    I need an Apostilled version of my _________________ diploma. 
    I need an Apostilled version of my _________________ diploma. 
    NOTE: According to the U.S. State Department website, “an apostille certificate is for documents [used] in countries that are in the 1961 Hague Convention Treaty.” If the country you intend to use your document in is NOT on this list, please contact the Registrar's Office before submitting this form. (Contact information is below).
    Mailing Information
    Mailing Address
    Mailing Address
    Important Information Regarding Apostille Diploma Orders
    Cost: $60.00 flat Apostille fee plus shipping. Domestic shipping is free. For international addresses, the Registrar's Office will provide a shipping estimate to the alum before charging the final amount.
    Timeframe: Approximately 6 weeks from receipt of completed form to delivery of document to alum
    Payment Options:
    1. Credit/debit card via the Business Office website
    2. Check made payable to Washington College
    3. Wire transfer
    4. Cash (brought directly to the Business Office)
    For more details regarding options 2-4, please email registrar@washcoll.edu or call 410-778-7299.
    Once this form is received, the Registrar's Office will complete the following steps:

    1. Order the diploma and have it shipped to our office.
    2. Have two faculty members sign the diploma
    3. Bring the diploma to the notary and Chestertown UPS to certify the document.
    Notary charge: $8.00 (included in flat fee)
    4. Bring the notary's signature to the Queen Anne's Circuit Court to have the notary's signature authenticated.
    Clerk of the Circuit Court document charge: $1.00 (included in flat fee)
    5. Bring the diploma, the notary's signature, and the circuit court signature to the Secretary of State Office in Annapolis, MD.
    Secretary of State Apostille Document Charge: $5.00 (included in flat fee)
    6. Mail the diploma out via USPS or Fed-Ex to the address provided on this form.
