Basic Diploma Re-Order Form

    Complete and submit this form to the Registrar's Office. Please note that this form is for a Basic Diploma Re-Order only. Students who need an Apostilled Diploma or a Fully Legalized Diploma should fill out the appropriate form. 
    Alumni Information
    New Diploma Information
    I need to replace my __________ diploma.
    I need to replace my __________ diploma.
    Mailing Information
    Mailing Address
    Mailing Address
    Important Information Regarding Basic Diploma Re-Orders

    Cost: $35.00 flat Basic Diploma fee plus shipping. Domestic shipping is free. For international addresses, the Registrar's Office will provide a shipping estimate to the alum before charging the final amount.
    Timeframe: Approximately 4 weeks from receipt of completed form to delivery of document to alum
    Payment Options:
    1. Credit/debit card via the Business Office website
    2. Check made payable to Washington College
    3. Wire transfer
    4. Cash (brought directly to the Business Office)
    For more details regarding options 2-4, please email or call 410-778-7299. 
